
Neuroplasticity and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

 Evidence suggests the brain is more dynamic and ever-changing than once thought. Psychologists once believed that the brain’s ability to change - plasticity - was limited to children and young adults. In a recent legal update, Dr. Sam Goldstein first defines neuroplasticity, and then relates it to TBI recovery. “Neuroplasticity is defined as the capacity of brain cells to fight the chemical and structural changes that occur following trauma that can eventually kill them if not controlled. Neuroplasticity also refers to the ability of brain cells to modify their activity in response to change in the environment, to store information from the environment and to permit the organism to move about and survive. Thus, all functioning brains to some extent operate under the principle of neuroplasticity throughout life.” Dr. Goldstein notes that “the once held belief that recovery from brain injury is limited to the first one to two years following injury has now been m...

Children and ATVs

 As the summer months enter into full swing, a quick warning about the dangers of All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs). When used appropriately and with proper safety precautions, ATVs can be an enjoyable form of recreation. However, when used inappropriately, these vehicles pose a great risk for catastrophic injury, including TBI (traumatic brain injury). A recent Newsweek article focuses on children and teenagers’ use of ATVs. Doctors say that children don’t have the cognitive skills, size, or strength required to operate these machines. Dr. Denise Dowd, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ injury prevention-committee, explains, “One can argue that ATVs are even more difficult to drive than a car,” citing the need to repeatedly shift weight during operation.  https://askcompetentlawyer.com/  The article highlights the experience of then 15-year-old B.J. Smith. Traveling at 60 miles per hour, Smith clipped a dog with his front tires. Smith then flew around 25 feet in t...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Legal Litigation

 Once a controversial issue, PTSD has recently become more and more accepted as a disorder in the field of psychology. PTSD refers to the “re-living” of a traumatic situation after the fact, or simply the negative after-effects of a traumatic event. We see PTSD in war veterans, rape victims, and survivors of natural disasters, etc. In any population that experiences sudden or intense trauma (including survivors of traumatic brain injuries), we predict greater chances of developing PTSD than in the normal population. Symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, insomnia, loss of appetite, depression, and anxiety. Research on the relation between PTSD and legal litigation remains in its infancy. Neuropsychologist Sam Goldstein explains that some studies have shown an increase in severity of PTSD symptoms in populations experiencing legal litigation. Studies have also demonstrated that financial compensation post-litigation does not decrease the severity of PTSD sympt...

Relationship between concussions and depression in NFL players

 The NY Times reports a strong correlation between the number of on-field concussions and the rate of depression in retired National Football League players. According to the study by the Center for Retired Athletes at the University of North Carolina, players sustaining three or more on-field concussions were three times more likely to experience depression in retirement than other, retired NFL players. Other developments have accompanied the study, including a NY Times report that the suicide of ex-NFL player Andre Waters in November was partially caused by his earlier concussions.  https://askcompetentlawyer.com/  NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has since announced widespread regulations for the league vis-a-vis concussions, including mandatory neuropsychological evaluations for all players, and a system where players can report a coach’s attempts to “override the wishes of a concussed player or medical personnel.” Football is just one of many sports which inc...

TBI and Psychiatric Disorders

 Clearly, a TBI (traumatic brain injury) can be a life-changing experience. Dr. Sam Goldstein reminds us that TBI often affect an individual’s overall mental health. Not only do structural changes in the brain affect personality, mood, etc, but so too does the task of coping with such a life-changing injury. “The nature and incidence of psychiatric and emotional problems in adults suffering Traumatic Brain Injury was recently illuminated in a study reporting a thirty year follow-up of brain injured individuals. As has been reported in short term studies of emotional dysfunction following Traumatic Brain Injury, this study demonstrates that a significant number of individuals struggle long term with psychiatric disorders following Traumatic Brain Injury.  https://askcompetentlawyer.com/business-commercial-litigation/  Forty-eight percent of these individuals experienced an Axis I disorder that began after the Traumatic Brain Injury. Sixty-two percent ha...

Interactive Brain Map / The “Swiss Army Knife Model”

 Here’s a useful reference for any reader. Dr. Robert P. Lehr provides a concise and straight-forward list of brain areas and their functions. An interactive brain map follows the article, along with a diagram of the brain for further exploration. Psychologists describe the animal brain as modular; that is, specific areas/systems are responsible for specific functions. For example, the occipital lobe of the brain is responsible for vision, the limbic system for emotion, and the motor cortex for muscle movement. Some psychologists have referred to this modularity as a “Swiss Army Knife model.” Like each tool in the knife, brain modules are somewhat independent; however, these modules, or tools, interact to create a larger entity. In traumatic brain injury (TBI) cases, certain modules may be affected, while others remain completely normal. An injury to the frontal lobe may greatly affect an individual’s planning and problem solving (and thus greatly affecting that...

TBI: “this war’s legacy for decades”

 Today, international media and technological advances have allowed the American public to view war in a way never before seen. Along with the increased visibility of the fighting in Iraq, the media has been able to show the American public the cost of war. One area that has become more and more visible is the significant rise in closed head injuries sustained by our troops. Fueled by ABC newsman Bob Woodruff’s traumatic brain injury while covering the war (and his subsequent foundation), TBI is recognized by the media more than ever before. In a recent commentary on MSNBC.com, chief science and health correspondent Robert Bazell writes, “Much of the medical care for wounded Iraq vets remains a national shame. The mental problems caused by either brain injury or post-traumatic stress will be a legacy of this war for decades.” Bazell blames the government’s unwillingness to pay the cost of treating so many wounded veterans as the key root of this growin...