Jeep Grand Cherokee Recall- Beware of Fires

When an automobile catches on fire following a collision, it can be disastrous and in turn lead to catastrophic injuries , including third degree burns and death. Many times this occurs as a result of a defect, making it a particularly serious issue because remedying the defect could prevent secondary injuries due to the fire. If a specific automobile tends to catch fire more so than others, this may be a sign of a defective design and a possible products liability case. This exact issue has recently come to light, as detailed in a recent New York Times article. According to the Center for Auto Safety, Jeep Grand Cherokee models produced from 1993 to 2004 are extremely susceptible to fires and should be recalled. This conclusion was based on three different tests performed on the Grand Cherokees, all the results of which indicated that these automobiles have a high tendency when compared to other similar automobiles, such as the Ford Explorer or Nissan Pathfinder...